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Philadelphia Bed Bug Dogs are used to detect Bed Bug Infestations.





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Our dogs and handlers were trained at the Florida Canine Academy.  The FCA has been featured at:






About Bed Bugs -  Bed Bugs belong to the order Heteroptera, along with lace bugs, plant bugs, squash bugs, etc.  The word bug was first applied to the familiar bed bug in the 17th Century England.  It may have been derived from the old English "bogy" or "hobgoblin,"  signifying a "terror in the dark."  It may also be from the Arabic derivation, "buk," that may have been picked up by travelers and brought back to England.


Bed bugs have been associated with man since the beginning of civilization.  Bed bugs and their relatives form a rather small group (70+) of bloodsucking ectoparasites.  Hosts, in addition to humans and domesticated animals, include bats and birds.  Bed Bugs are strongly flattened bugs, often reddish brown, with forewings reduced to mere pads.  The hind wings are absent. 

It is believed the bed bug originally was associated with bats living in tree holes and in caves of the Middle East.  It was in caves that these parasites became associated with man.  As man moved from cave to village the bed bug followed and became permanent associates. 

This democratic creature draws no line between the impoverished or the wealthy, but its presence is more evident in poorer quarters owing to conditions more favorable for its survival.  Nevertheless, these bugs can invade event the most immaculate homes. 

The bed bug is distributed readily in laundry and on clothes and baggage of individuals who have visited infested premises.  This pest is disseminated primarily from one hose or apartment or another by stowing away in furniture and bedding that has been moved, or by attaching itself to articles placed in an infested moving van.  Second-hand furniture, old books and lumber salvage from demolished houses offer other means of ingress.

Source:  Handbook for Pest Control


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